20 lessons from a healer.

Lotus Insight
4 min readJul 4, 2021


Do you believe that you can be happy without any external factors?

Your answer is probably no, however it is not a big surprise when we look at how our society has evolved.

Never-ending cycle of instant gratification and materialism. Technologies that have an impact on the stimulus that our brains receive. Overload of information and negativity that is everywhere around.

Those few factors have a big influence on our lives and keep us stuck to move forward with our full potential.

But what if the solution is very simple?

What if by learning and understanding the truth within you, you could become free from suffering and pleasure?

Not as a victim and a human being. But as a spiritual being that has human experience?

Enjoy my journey and understanding what is important to me. If you are still here you are brave enough to become a better version of yourself. Well done!

1. You are much more than what you might think — our existence by itself is a miracle. All of us are walking universes, gods, or whatever you want to name it. The point is that the limits do not exist. They only exist in our minds.

2. You have unconditional and limitless love within you already. You don’t have to look for it externally. It is all about understanding your ego and letting it go. Love is the answer to all.

3. Be you, be free, be happy. Listen to your intuition and gut feeling. You are the observer, not the actor. Don’t react, look for an impression.

4. You are a walking:

Energy — 3rd-dimensional experience of your reality

Vibration — what you give in and out, your feelings and thoughts

Frequency — your aura, character, passions, interests, moral and social rules. Good or bad. Your true higher self.

As Nikola said: “If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency, and vibration. “

interesting fact — ask yourself how that quote relates to… Music?

In Buddhism/Hinduism mythologies the universe was created by sound. sounds: “OM” in Buddhism and “AUM” in Hinduism.

5. Be open-minded. Our society needs people who create their own reality. Not a reality that is led by the materialistic and egoistic society. Not by what you have been told. But by expanding your knowledge to create your own point of view and perception.

6. Be conscious, aware, focused. Mediate daily. Work on your brain muscles responsible for creating new neuro patterns. Be more free, fulfilled, grateful, joyful, and calm.

7. The best asset in the world is your mindset. Work with your thoughts daily and be your best friend. Positivity mixed with realism is the way to crush any obstacle on the way.

8. Failure is powerful. Take it as an opportunity, a lesson to become a better version of yourself. “ These mountains you are carrying, you’re only meant to climb”. It’s just one step closer to your vision.

9. Healthy body, means a healthy mind. What you eat is what you become. Vegetables and fruits are your best friend.

10. Do what you love. There is nothing more powerful than doing something that you truly love. Don’t waste your time. Polish your diamond with extra care.

11. There are no right or wrong decisions. There are only lessons. Life is a never-ending lesson.

12. Accept whatever comes. Be like Buddha in balance. Be like water that can adapt to any situation.

13. Don’t look for pleasure. Observe your feelings, understand your ego. Free yourself from suffering.

14. Slow down. Enjoy the smell of the rose around you, stop to cuddle that fluffy dog. Enjoy every moment. Be here, be now. Past and future do not exist.

15. Don’t see the judgment in others, looks for the answer within.

16. Karma/dharma. Respect any life and beings. Treat others the same as you want to be treated.

17. Find your vision and never give up. All of us have a true purpose in our life on planet Earth.

18. There must be bad for the good to exist. Don’t be scared to look into the darkness. That is where you will find true answers to your questions.

19. Be grateful for every moment. You don’t know what might happen tomorrow.

20. Change your life by journaling daily. A habit that might become your answer to all.

Are you still a human being? Or your perception has changed?

Sending love and light to all.

Simon Drozdek



Lotus Insight
Lotus Insight

Written by Lotus Insight

A nature lover with deep inspiration for the understanding of life🍀

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